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Another Dance?!


Maili Kee, Student Journalist

Barton Community College

Great Bend, Kan.


First Published: 16 April 2014



Although Barton’s Gay Straight Alliance, or GSA for short, was formed this year as a new club on campus, Barton’s GSA is coming out with a big bang this Tuesday, April 22nd. GSA will be hosting their last event of their self-proclaimed Awareness Month. On top of taking on the challenge of putting on a dance, GSA will also be hosting a drag show!


As far as inspiration goes, GSA has had plenty, ranging from working with the Suicide Prevention clinic in Great Bend, to hosting three other events this month. Overall, their awareness month has been a success! Yet their largest challenge has yet to come. Next week, at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, the 22nd, they will be providing food and drink, music and entertainment for the school, in the student union as a way to celebrate the diversity of sexual orientation, race, and gender on campus.













Though the past few months have not been as successful as hoped, the GSA members are quite optimistic about the turnout for the dance. Sponsor Erin Renard says “The pride dance is a celebration of diversity. It is the final event of the first awareness month on the Barton campus.”


At the last event, Open Mic Night, there were ten people present, the highest attendance rate at a GSA event all year. Open Mic Night was the perfect night for a larger attendance, as it was designed and based on a need to share stories, poetry, music and general support of anyone, regardless of sexual orientation.


The Gay Straight Alliance has been a new and supportive outlet for students of all ages, supported by many faculty and staff. With all the support behind the group, there is hype among the students working behind the scenes. Without much time left for planning, myself and pals within the group have been cramming plenty of details into the dance, such as baked goods and decorations. Though there is much to do, the GSA pride dance is sure to be a hit! Joy Conner says “I’m excited and bringing all my friends!”

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